Volunteer to Help Save Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)

Here is an urgent message from Prof Melissa Terras on how to help preserve Ukrainian Cultural Heritage … please spread the word.

Dear Colleagues,

Trusted friends of mine have set up SUCHO, Save Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO) https://www.sucho.org

They are asking for volunteers to help identify and archive sites and content, while they are still online. You do not have to read Ukrainian or Russian to help. 

You can submit items to be saved: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffa64-l6qXqEumAcf38OEOrTFeYZEmF531PNv9ZgzNFbcgxQ/viewform

And Volunteer to help put things in the internet archive, or use more advanced archiving software: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6KbhtEOI8zKsQmKT_waE1XlYEF1E6t-HzJ7Gc1EBfMvMg_A/viewform

Please do share with colleagues, and your students, and your networks. It’s one concrete thing we can do to help Ukraine, from afar.

You may also be interested in following the work of the Ukrainian Library Association, who are coordinating a National Digital Library in Ukraine: https://www.facebook.com/ula.org.ua/

Best wishes, and I hope you are doing ok at this difficult time.
Professor Melissa Terras
University of Edinburgh, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences