Perceptions of Edinburgh

Capturing neighbourhood characteristics by clustering geoparsed local news

Our paper on “Perceptions of Edinburgh: Capturing neighbourhood characteristics by clustering geoparsed local news” is published here. This work is part of the AIM-CISC project on AI and multimorbidity, where our aim was to capture information about neighbourhoods and communities in local news. 

We collected Edinburgh Evening News accessed through University of Edinburgh Library for a timespan of 5 years and clustered them by neighbourhood into relevant topics.

We also visualised topics across time.

We used the Edinburgh Geoparser to georeference the news articles and determine which the most relevant neighbourhood for each article is. We also used the neighbourhoods of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation to link the news to.

As part of this work, we ran a public involvement and engagement event with members of the public who read local newspapers and have knowledge of the City of Edinburgh.

This work was made possible by combining different datasets, resources and cross-disciplinary expertise and is used for follow-on research identifying which characteristics of neighbourhoods increase vulnerability or promote resilience to ill health (Abubakar, E., et al., under review.).

Earlier this year, our team won the Centre for Data, Culture and Society award for the Best Novel Use of a Digital Method.

“This interdisciplinary project itself makes a strong contribution to understanding community health in Scotland, and the success of the methodology suggests a wider application of this framework to assessing community health via local news in other areas. I especially appreciate the researchers’ testing of their methods to confirm that the correlation they had uncovered was, indeed, reliable!”

The project was funded by NIHR’s AIM funding and is supported by the Advanced Care Research Centre.

Reference: Andreas Grivas, Claire Grover, Richard Tobin, Clare Llewellyn, Eleojo Oluwaseun Abubakar, Chunyu Zheng, Chris Dibben, Alan Marshall, Jamie Pearce, Beatrice Alex,Perceptions of Edinburgh: Capturing neighbourhood characteristics by clustering geoparsed local news, Information Processing & Management, Volume 62, Issue 1, 2025,

When the AI unveils human cheating instead of assisting it: a case from automatic handwriting recognition

Published originally on Medium on the 12th of May 2023

Our collaboration of Gaelic language experts and computational linguists at the University of Edinburgh resulted in an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model uncovering human cheating that happened decades earlier.

Source: Hannah Olinger, Unsplash

We, Prof Will Lamb, in Celtic and Scottish Studies, and Dr Beatrice Alex, Senior Lecturer in text mining at Literatures, Languages and Cultures, are leading an interdisciplinary project creating Scottish Gaelic handwriting recognition (HWR) to convert manuscripts to electronic text. Our team has trained the first Scottish Gaelic Transkribus model for recognising handwriting in Gaelic automatically. Transkribus provides a platform for AI-powered text recognition, transcription and searching of historical documents for different languages and time periods. It allows researchers to train models effectively, even for low resource languages that have fairly little accessible data to begin with.

To train the Scottish Gaelic HWR model, our team used manuscripts from the School of Scottish Studies Archives (SSSA). The SSSA mostly comprises sound recordings relating to cultural life, folklore and traditional arts in Scotland — including songs, tales and verse collected over the last 70 years. Some of these recordings are accompanied by handwritten transcriptions and it’s this data that was used to train the model.

We ran a series of experiments, which were published in the 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop proceedings [1], and the model is made available for research on the Transkribus website. For the primary hand, the best model achieves a character level accuracy of 98.3% and a word level accuracy of 95.1%.

During the error analysis, we spotted some unusual examples that caused the model to stumble. It struggled to recognise the writing of one hand, in particular. Looking further into the data, we realised that the hand was that of one particular individual who was already known to the Gaelic language experts involved in the project. The handwriting of this person was unusually spaced out, much more so than in typical adult handwriting.

Bad quality HWR output for a hand with large inter-word spacing.

One of the reasons for the poor performance on this hand is that the model doesn’t have sufficient training data for this handwriting style. However, the large gaps between the words (also called inter-word spacing) present a particular challenge to handwriting recognition models and lead to incorrect line splitting, as can be seen in the image above. By treating each word individually, the model is unable to take context into account when recognising words and characters, leading to poor HRW performance.

It turns out that the fieldworker concerned was paid by the page. Presumably, this particular individual decided to make the job more lucrative by spacing out their handwriting and generating more pages of transcription [2]. Little did they know that their work practices would be thrown up by an AI model many years later. Prof Lamb has recently discovered that the fieldworker concerned was called out in the 1950s, which led to a change in payment to a flat rate.

So AI technology cannot only be used by students to generate essays to cheat in assignments as is now feared by many university and college staff with the release of ChatGPT; in this case, it helped to identify an outlier of unusual behaviour. Our team found it amusing that the AI model wasn’t able to recognise this particular handwriting accurately, resurfacing a long forgotten incident of someone trying to make a bit of extra cash in a slightly underhand way.

Beatrice Alex, Will Lamb and Michael Bauer


[1] Sinclair, Mark, William Lamb, and Beatrice Alex (2022). Handwriting Recognition for Scottish Gaelic. In Proceedings of the 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop at LREC 2022 (CLTW 4), Marseille, June 2022, pp.60–70.

[2] Lamb, William (2012) ‘The storyteller, the scribe and a missing man: Hidden influences from printed sources in the Gaelic tales of Duncan and Neil MacDonald’, Oral Tradition, 27/1: 109–160.

Happy Geoparsing: The Edinburgh Geoparser v1.3 is out

Photo credit: Markus Winkler (Unsplash)

New Release

We have released version 1.3 of the Edinburgh Geoparser and updated the accompanying lesson on the Programming Historian. The Geoparser now runs with a free OpenStreetmap visualisation by default. Anita Hawes, Publishing Assistant at Programming Historian, recently made us aware that users of the Geoparser who followed our lesson were asked to enter credit card details when creating the key for using Mapbox for the map visualisation.  We want our language technology to be open and free, so we reacted quickly to fix that.

We have now changed the Geoparser’s visualisation component to use OpenStreetMap tiles by default. OpenStreetMap tiles can be used for light use free of charge (and without signing up to anything) in accordance with their Tile Usage Policy.

If you have a Mapbox account you can continue to use it with the Geoparser by setting the GEOPARSER_MAP_KEY environment variable as before, but make sure you are aware of the possibility that they may charge you if you have given them a credit card number and exceed their limits on free use.

This is the only change we made in v1.3 compared to v1.2.  If you don’t use the visualisation component there is no need to update.

Figure 1: Examples of some geo-parsed exonyms (Vienna for Wien, Munich for München, Copenhagen for København, Venice for Venezia, Milan for Milano and Florence for Firenze).

Watch out for Exonyms

An exonym is a place name for which foreigners have a different name, like Munich for München. The main disadvantage of using OpenStreetMap tiles – from the point of view of an English-language geoparser – is that it generally displays maps in the language of the area or country, rather than English. This is a problem for exonyms as a place name on the map might not coincide with the name in the text. Despite this mismatch, it’s actually compelling to see how place names vary in different languages. For example, check out the place name for Hungary:

To help track your locations, the Geoparser visualisation centres the map on the corresponding pin when clicking on a place name that was recognised and is highlighted in the text and it also displays the recognised place name when hovering on the pin (see Figure 1).

Happy New Geoparsing!

Volunteer to Help Save Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)

Here is an urgent message from Prof Melissa Terras on how to help preserve Ukrainian Cultural Heritage … please spread the word.

Dear Colleagues,

Trusted friends of mine have set up SUCHO, Save Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)

They are asking for volunteers to help identify and archive sites and content, while they are still online. You do not have to read Ukrainian or Russian to help. 

You can submit items to be saved:

And Volunteer to help put things in the internet archive, or use more advanced archiving software:

Please do share with colleagues, and your students, and your networks. It’s one concrete thing we can do to help Ukraine, from afar.

You may also be interested in following the work of the Ukrainian Library Association, who are coordinating a National Digital Library in Ukraine:

Best wishes, and I hope you are doing ok at this difficult time.
Professor Melissa Terras
University of Edinburgh, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

A Hierarchical Evaluation Metric for Document Classification

This blog post serves as an introduction to the methods described in the paper CoPHE: A Count-Preserving Hierarchical Evaluation Metric in Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification [1] presented at EMNLP 2021. For a more detailed description, along with comparison against previous evaluation metrics in this setting, please refer to the full publication.


Evaluation in Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification, such as automated ICD-9 coding of discharge summaries in MIMIC-III [2], is treated in prior art as exact-match evaluation on the code level. Labelling is carried out on the document level (weak labelling), with each code appearing at most once per document. Hence, the prediction and gold standard for a document can be viewed as sets. The label space of MIMIC-III consists of leaf nodes within the ICD-9 tree (example substructure in Figure 1), treating both the prediction and the gold standard as flat (disregarding the ontological structure).

Figure 1: Example subgraph of the code 364 within the ICD-9 ontology. Leaf (prediction-level) nodes are represented with circular nodes, ancestor nodes are rectangular.

Within a structured label space, the concept of distance between labels naturally arises. If, for instance, we consider each edge within the ontology to be of equal weight, the code 410.01 Acute myocardial infarction of anterolateral wall, initial episode of care is closer to its sibling code 410.02 Acute myocardial infarction of anterolateral wall, subsequent episode of care than to a cousin code 410.11 Acute myocardial infarction of other anterior wall, initial episode of care, or a more distantly related code, e.g., 401.9 Unspecified essential hypertension. The standard flat evaluation does not capture this, and if the code 410.01 was mispredicted for a document to be any other code, through the standard flat exact-match approach the errors would be considered equivalent, disregarding the closeness of predictions to the gold standard.

Previous work has incorporated the structural nature of the label space of ICD ontologies, such as [3]. This study, however, concerns a different task – information extraction with strong labels. The ICD codes are assigned to specific spans of texts within the document. This strong labelling allows for associating a prediction to a gold standard label, and exact comparison on a case-by-case basis. This is, unfortunately, not possible in the weakly-labelled scenario of document-level ICD coding, where if a label is mispredicted we cannot state its corresponding gold standard label with certainty.

One of the approaches to creating a metric for the structured label space in [3] is tracing the distance between the closest common parent on the graph of the ontology (tree) and either of the prediction and the gold standard. We are unable to reuse this method exactly, lacking the knowledge of which gold standard codes relate to mispredictions. Instead, we are able to make use of the common ancestor.

Hierarchical Evaluation

One way to approach hierarchical evaluation in a weakly-labelled scenario is to not only evaluate on the leaf-level prediction, but also the codes’ ancestors. We can convert leaf-level predictions into ancestor predictions (e.g., by means of adjacency matrices,) and compare those against their respective converted gold standard (Figure 2). The core idea here is that codes appearing closer together within the ontology will share more ancestors, thereby mitigating the error that arises from misclassification.

Figure 2: A conversion from leaf-level to parent for both the prediction vector and the gold standard label vector. A similar conversion can be done for at least one more (grandparent) level.

Once we have the ancestor-level values we can either report separate metrics for each level of the ontology, or a single metric on the combined information from different levels.

Figure 3: A comparison between predictions and gold standard. Ancestor vectors are concatenated with leaf vectors.

As prediction-level codes in MIMIC-III appear at different depths (as seen in Figure 1), it is reasonable to report performance based on different depths of the ontology. Depending on the implementation of the transition procedure, duplicates may appear.

The example presented in Figure 3 is neat in that at most one prediction is made for each of the shown code families on the leaf level. What about multiple predictions within the same family? One option would be to stick to binary as on the prediction level. If at least 1 prediction-level node within the family is positive, the family is considered to be positive (1), and negative (0) otherwise. As such, the value of ancestor nodes is the result of the logical OR operation on their descendants. Standard P/R/F1 can be applied for evaluation without further need for processing. Such an approach to hierarchical evaluation in multi-label classification was presented by Kosmopoulos et al. [4]

Count-Preserving Hierarchical Evaluation (CoPHE)

Alternatively, we can extend to full counts, in which case each family value is a sum of the values of the family’s prediction-level codes. This results in ancestor values in the domain of natural numbers. Standard binary P/R/F1 do not work in this case (as TP, FP, and FN are defined for binary input), but we retain more information that can tell us of over- or under-prediction for the ancestor codes. Why is this important? The ontology may contain inexplicit rules, such some code families allowing only a single code assigned per document – e.g., 401 (Essential Hypertension) has three descendant codes corresponding to malignant, benign, and unspecified hypertension respectively. From a logical standpoint, hypertension can be either malignant or benign, but not both at the same time, and would be considered unspecified only if it was stated to be present, but not specified to be malignant or benign.

Back to TP, FP, FN. We are dealing with vectors consisting of natural numbers now, rather than binary vectors. Hence we need to redefine these metrics.

Let x be the number of predicted codes within a certain code family f for a document d. Let y be the number of true gold standard codes within the same code family f for a document d.

TP(d, f) = min(x, y)
FP(d, f) = max(x – y, 0)
FN(d, f) = max(y – x, 0)

Where min and max are functions returning the minimum and maximum between two input numbers respectively.

TP represents the numeric overlap, FP and FN represent over-prediction and under-prediction respectively.
Remark: Note that the outputs of the redefined TP, FP, and FN are equivalent to those of their standard definitions assuming binary x and y.

We call this method a Count-Preserving Hierarchical Evaluation (CoPHE).

Figure 4: A comparison between predictions and gold standard showing vector interpretation in CoPHE. Two phenomena of the non-binary ancestor evaluation are on display: (1) While there is a mismatch on the leaf level in the 401 family (401.1 predicted versus 401.9 expected), translated into the direct ancestor level (401), both the prediction and the true label are 401 respectively – allowing for a match on this level. (2) For parent 402 there are two leaves predicted, while 1 expected. This puts us in the non-binary scenario, with TP = 1, FP = 1, FN = 0. As displayed in (1), on this ancestor level the match between the leaves does not matter, but rather how many times the ancestor is involved. In this case the ancestor (402.0) is over-predicted by 1.

CoPHE is not meant to be used as a replacement of the existing metrics, but rather in tandem with them. In general, hierarchical metrics (set-based and CoPHE) are expected to produce scores mitigating mismatches on the code-level. It is also important to compare set-based hierarchical results to those of CoPHE. Assuming no over-/under-prediction (not captured by the set-based metric) takes place, FN and FP values for CoPHE will stay the same as for set-based, with TP being greater or equal than that of set-based. This would lead to CoPHE Precision, Recall (and consequently F1 score) higher or equal to those of set-based hierarchical evaluation. Should CoPHE results be lower than those of set-based hierarchical evaluation, this is an indication of over-/under-prediction taking place.

We have developed CoPHE for ICD-9 coding and made the code publicly available on Github. The approach can be adjusted to any label-space with an acyclic graph structure. For further details, including results of prior art model on MIMIC-III, please consult the publication.


[1] Falis, Matúš, et al. “CoPHE: A Count-Preserving Hierarchical Evaluation Metric in Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification.” 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. 2021.
[2]Johnson, Alistair EW, et al. “MIMIC-III, a freely accessible critical care database.” Scientific data 3.1 (2016): 1-9.
[3] Maynard, Diana, Wim Peters, and Yaoyong Li. “Evaluating Evaluation Metrics for Ontology-Based Applications: Infinite Reflection.” LREC. 2008.
[4] Kosmopoulos, Aris, et al. “Evaluation measures for hierarchical classification: a unified view and novel approaches.” Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 29.3 (2015): 820-865.