Package net.sourceforge.nite.util

This package contains a lot of utility classes that didn't fit anywhere else.


Interface Summary
NOMElementToTextDelegate Implementations of this interface will derive the text representation for any NOMElement.
Predicate Predicates are Objects that implement a boolean test on Objects, in the form of their "valid" method.
Transform Transforms are objects that define a "mapping" from Objects to Object.

Class Summary
Build Build a view of a corpus using a build description file (a short XML file listing the aspects of the corpus you are interested in).
Debug A simple utility for controlling printed messages.
IteratorChain An IteratorChain is used to chain several Iterators, i.e.
IteratorFilter An IteratorFilter is used to filter Objects in an Iterator and present them as a new Iterator.
IteratorTransform An IteratorTransform is used to transform Objects in an Iterator and present them as a new Iterator.
IteratorTransformFilter An IteratorTransform is used to transform Objects in an Iterator and present them as a new Iterator.
Map2D This class is used to store Objects in a map with 2 keys, used very heavily in the TimespanAnalyser.
Pair A simple data class to hold a pair of objects (o1,o1) Used in the datainspection packages
ProjectImage This process examines two element streams and produces a third: an projected image of the first timed stream onto the second.
SearchResultIDComparator This implements the comparator and orders search results alphanumerically by ID.
SearchResultTimeComparator This is (was) a commonly used subclass in sample programs which implements the comparator and orders search results by the start time of the first bound variable in the query.
SortedList This class implements a sorted list.
VersionChecker A flexible java version checker that can take different actions for different versions.
WeightedPair A simple data class to hold a weighted pair of objects (o1,o1,w).

Package net.sourceforge.nite.util Description

This package contains a lot of utility classes that didn't fit anywhere else. Some of these have been adapted from utility packages developed at the HMI Group at the University of Twente.