

Interface Summary
AnnotationListener An annotation listener is notified when the start or end of an annotation is marked or when the target of the current annotation is set.
AnnotationSelectionListener An annotation selection listener is notified when an annotation is selected in the annotation area (see AnnotationArea) of an annotation frame (see AnnotationFrame).
LayoutListener A layout listener is notified whenever the size of a component changes, so that the size and location of other components can be updated.
SelectionListener A selection listener is notified whenever an agent or layer is selected or deselected.
SplitPaneListener A split pane listener can be registered with an ObservableSplitPane and be notified when the divider of the split pane is moved.

Class Summary
AgentTargetControlPanel A label target control panel can be used with a label annotation layer (see LabelAnnotationLayer).
AnnotationArea An annotation area can display the annotations of a certain layer.
AnnotationControlPanel An annotation control panel displays the current annotation and contains two buttons that allow the user to delete the current annotation or to edit a comment.
AnnotationFrame An annotation frame consists of two or three parts: an annotation area at the top (only if showAnnotationArea of the specified annotation layer is true), an annotation control panel in the middle and a target control panel at the bottom.
AnnotationFrameFactory This factory creates annotation frames and keeps track of the currently opened annotation frames.
AnnotationLayer An annotation layer encapsulates some layer-dependent properties.
AnnotationLayerFactory An annotation layer factory is a singleton object that can create annotation layers, which are wrappers around NXT layers (see AnnotationLayer).
CSLConfig This class contains settings for the CSL tool.
Document A document is a global singleton object.
FeeltraceAnnotationLayer In this annotation layer the annotation targets are emotions, consisting of evaluation and activation.
FeeltraceCircle A Feeltrace circle is part of a Feeltrace target control panel (set at construction).
FeeltraceColourMap A Feeltrace colour map maps emotions to colours.
FeeltraceTargetControlPanel A Feeltrace target control panel can be used with a Feeltrace annotation layer (see FeeltraceAnnotationLayer).
FeeltraceTimeLine A Feeltrace timeline is part of a Feeltrace target control panel (set at construction).
FrameArranger This class arranges internal frames in a designated area of a desktop pane.
GlobalInputMap A global input map is a singleton object that consists of an (@link javax.swing.ActionMap ActionMap} and an InputMap.
LabelAnnotationLayer In this annotation layer the annotation targets are elements from an object set or ontology.
LabelTargetControlPanel A label target control panel can be used with a label annotation layer (see LabelAnnotationLayer).
ObservableSplitPane An observable split pane can notify registered split pane listeners when the divider of the split pane is moved.
OptimalBoxLayout An optimal box layout can lay out equal-size components in a grid so that the preferred component proportion is best preserved.
SelfSelectingFrames With this class you can make an internal frame self-selecting or make all frames in a desktop pane self-selecting.
TargetControlPanel A target control panel is a panel that allows the user to make annotations in a certain layer.
TreeTargetControlPanel A tree target control panel can be used with a label annotation layer (see LabelAnnotationLayer).
ViewFrame A view frame can display all annotations of a certain layer.
ViewFrameFactory A view frame factory is a global singleton object.

Package Description