This page is intended for developers who are intending to build NXT for a new release, but may also be of use for anybody building NXT from source.

  1. Start with a fresh checkout from CVS:
       cvs -z3 co nxt
    should work in most cases (if not, see the SourceForge CVS page).
  2. Go into the top level nxt directory, decide on a build file to use and copy it to the right directory.
      cp build_scripts/build.xml .
    Type ant to compile (ant jar is perhaps the most useful target to use as it doesn't clean all compiled classes and rebuild the javadoc every time). If there are compile errors, copy the error message into an email and send it to Jonathan or another developer (see the SourceForge members page for emails).
  3. Run the test suite(s). The NXT test suite is by no means comprehensive but tests a subset of NXT functionality. To run, you need to have the JUnit jar on your CLASSPATH. Then
       javac -d . test-suites/nom-test-suite/
    Now run the testing gui:
       java junit.textui.TestRunner NXTTestScratch
    Again, any errors should be forwarded to a developer.
  4. If you are making a real public release, Update the README file in the top-level nxt directory, choosing a new minor or major release number. Commit this to CVS.
  5. Now build the release using the build_scripts/build_release.xml ant file (use the default target). This compiles everything, makes a zip file of the source, and one of the compiled version for release, and produces the Javadoc. If you're on an Edinburgh machine, copy the Javadoc (in the apidoc directory) to /group/project/webltg/NITE/nxt/apidoc. Test the shell script examples, and upload the new release to Sourceforge here.


Last modified 01/22/07