See also: Intro to tool configuration.

This is a detailed look at the settings in the NXT configuration files. Note: some of these settings can only be used in NXT builds from 1.3.5 (9/5/06). The details may change soon as we plan to refactor the middleware.

At the top level, in the NXTConfig element, there are currently two possible subelements: DACoderConfig and CSLConfig. The first is for configuring discourse coder tools (Dialogue act coder; named entity coder etc). The second is for configuring the continuous signal labeller tool.

Both CSLConfig and DACoderConfig can contain any number of corpussettings and guisettings elements, each of which has an id attribute to uniquely identify it: normally these IDs will be used in the CallableTools section of an NXT metadata file. guisettings are preferences that affect the overall look of the interface and corpussettings tell NXT about the elements and types we wish to display and annotate. The detail of what goes where is described in each section below.


guisettings attributes

corpussettings attributes

While we use da and ap in the attribute names here (standing for 'dialogue act' and 'adjacency pair'), these can refer to any kind of discourse elements you wish to annotate.


guisettings attributes

corpussettings attributes

corpussettings / layerinfo attributes

For the continuous signal labeller we expect the corpussettings element to contain a number of layerinfo elements, each of which can contain these attributes. Each layer named within the current corpussettings element can be coded using the same tool: users choose what they're annotating using a menu.


Last modified 03/28/07