
NXT Search, including the Parser, and the SearchableCorpus Interface.


Interface Summary
ElementQuantityCalculator A grand name for something pretty simple in essence: an ElementQuantityCalculator returns the number of elements of a particular type in a corpus.
Interruptable Interface with the one and only methode Interruptable.interrupt() to stop something.
Node Generated by the JavaCC tool JJTree.
Progressable Title:
ProgressListener Title:
SearchableCorpus Every corpus which implement the interface SearchableCorpus could be read by NXT Search.

Class Summary
About Non-modal dialog: dangling variable references detected.
Engine Engine is the main component of NXT (NITE XML Toolkit) Search.
GUI Simple grahic user interface for Engine.
JavaCharStream Generated by JavaCC.
ListPermuteIterator ListPermuteIterator implement an Iterator to walk through all permutations of the given list.
MetadataOnlyEQC This implementation of ElementQuantityCalculator returns an approximation of the relative number of elements of any given name by simply looking at the metadata structure.
NodeCondition Generated by the JavaCC tool JJTree.
NodeLogical Generated by the JavaCC tool JJTree.
NodeQuery Generated by the JavaCC tool JJTree.
NodeSimpleQuery Generated by the JavaCC tool JJTree.
NOMExistingEQC This implementation of ElementQuantityCalculator returns the number of elements of any given name in the NOM at the moment, making sure we don't load anything into the corpus as a result of the call.
NOMLazyEQC This implementation of ElementQuantityCalculator returns the number of elements of any given name in the NOM at the moment, allowing elements to be loaded into the corpus as a result of the call if lazy loading is on.
ProgressWindow Dialog with a chancel button to stop a running thread (used by GUI).
ResultVisualisationComponent The result of a query is a tree.
SimpleNode Generated by the JavaCC tool JJTree.
SimpleResultVisualisation This is very simple textual visualisation of a single result element.
SimpleResultVisualisationComponent Wrapper around SimpleResultVisualisation to use it in the NXT Search GUI.
TableResultVisualisation This is very simple textual visualisation of a single result element.
TableResultVisualisationComponent Wrapper around SimpleResultVisualisation to use it in the NXT Search GUI.
TestParser This class merely provides access to the Parser class, which is generated as a protected class, by extending it with a public class.
Token Generated by JavaCC.

Exception Summary
ParseException Generated by JavaCC.

Error Summary
TokenMgrError Generated by JavaCC.

Package Description

NXT Search, including the Parser, and the SearchableCorpus Interface.
The parser was generated by the parser generator JavaCC.