Interface NObservation

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NObservation

Information about an Observation. This may be expanded in the future when we wish to allow editing of metadata.


Method Summary
 void addUserCoding(NUserCoding coding)
          Add a user coding to the corpus.
 NUserCoding findCoding(java.lang.String codingname, java.lang.String agentname)
          find a user coding for this observation that has coding and agent matching.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          returns a description of the observation.
 org.w3c.dom.Node getNode()
          Get the DOM node which represents this observation in the tree.
 java.lang.String getShortName()
          The identifier for this observation as used in filenames etc.
 java.util.List getUserCodings()
          returns a list of user codings (see NUserCoding).
 java.lang.String getVariable(java.lang.String variable)
          return the value of the observation variable for the given variable name
 java.util.List getVariables()
          returns a list of strings: these are the values of the observation variables in the same order as you get the declarations from the getObservationVariables call from the metadata.
 void setDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
          set the DOM document of which this observation is a part Only used by methods that edit the DOM.
 void setNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          set the DOM node which represents this observation in the tree.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getShortName()
The identifier for this observation as used in filenames etc. Could be something like "q4nc8" for the Map Task.


java.lang.String getDescription()
returns a description of the observation.


java.util.List getVariables()
returns a list of strings: these are the values of the observation variables in the same order as you get the declarations from the getObservationVariables call from the metadata.


java.lang.String getVariable(java.lang.String variable)
return the value of the observation variable for the given variable name


java.util.List getUserCodings()
returns a list of user codings (see NUserCoding).


NUserCoding findCoding(java.lang.String codingname,
                       java.lang.String agentname)
find a user coding for this observation that has coding and agent matching. Note that either or both Strings may be null.


void addUserCoding(NUserCoding coding)
Add a user coding to the corpus. This is an administration function that allows a user to start a new observation


org.w3c.dom.Node getNode()
Get the DOM node which represents this observation in the tree. Only used by methods that edit the DOM.


void setNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
set the DOM node which represents this observation in the tree. Only used by methods that edit the DOM.


void setDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
set the DOM document of which this observation is a part Only used by methods that edit the DOM.