Package net.sourceforge.nite.gui.util

Support components, support for quick development of new tools, search interface, configuration support.


Interface Summary
AbstractDisplayElement See also AbstractCallableToolConfig and NXTConfig class.
NOMWriteElementContainer NO DOCUMENTATION!

Class Summary
AbstractCallableToolConfig AbstractCallableToolConfig subclasses define all the different settings needed in the abstract callable tool class.
AgentConfiguration An agent configuration contains two-dimensional matrices that map agent positions in a media signal to agent names.
AmigramConfig This class contains settings for the AMIGram tool.
AMITranscriptionToTextDelegate A very simple delegate made especially for the AMI corpus.
CheckSave This class is a utility to pop up a dialog that lets the user choose whether to save any changes made.
ChooseAnnotator This class is a utility to pop up a dialog that lets the user select an Annotator from the list or type a new name Intended use is:
ChooseAnnotator ca = new ChooseAnnotator(metadata);
ChooseFontSize This class is a utility to pop up a dialog that lets the user choose a font size for the basic text.
ChooseObservation This class is a utility to pop up a dialog that lets the user select an oblservation from those listed in the metadata file.
ColourFactory A colour factory is a singleton object that can create text colours and background colours for a certain hue.
ConcreteDisplayElement See also AbstractDisplayElement, AbstractCallableToolConfig and NXTConfig class.
CorpusSaveOptions A utility class that pops up a corpus save panel allowing one to set lots of options.
EnumeratedPopupMenu A popupmenu with contents filled from an enumerated attribute in a NXT corpus.
GenericDisplay A simple display that will work on any data set.
ICSITranscriptionToTextDelegate A very simple delegate made especially for the ICSI corpus.
MultiAnnotatorDisplay A simple display for multi-annotator data that will work on any data set.
MyLogHandler Utility class for maintaining a status bar through the logging API.
NOMElementStartTimeComparator Compares two NOMElements on their starttime.
NXTConfig This class facilitates access to the configuration file that is used to customize subclasses of AbstractCallableTool.
OntologyPopupMenu A popupmenu with contents filled from an ontology in a NXT corpus.
Play This is a standalone utility to check the JMF playability of media files.
PopupMessage This class is a utility to pop up a message dialog.
QueryWindow Provides a search interface window to allow interaction with other interfaces.
SegmentReplayer This util class allows you to control the media-interface on the basis of predefined segments, with actions such as 'goto next segment', 'loop', 'go to previous segment', 'play', 'pause', etc
SetCommentAction A button designed to add a comment to the current NOMWriteElement of the NOMWriteElementContainer passed at construction.
SwingUtils General util methods
TimeLabel A JTextField that displays the time for a given NXT Clock.
ValueColourMap A trick: If you have a number of values in a certain dimension, and you want to keep them apart by colouring them differently, you can use a map that gives a distinguishable colour for each known value.
ValueColourMapLegend ValueColourMapLegend provides a JPanel with a legend for the colour/label combinations in a ValueColourMap.

Package net.sourceforge.nite.gui.util Description

Support components, support for quick development of new tools, search interface, configuration support.