Type in a representation of a Unicode character:

Interpret as:
Hex code point
Decimal code point
Hex UTF-8 bytes
Octal UTF-8 bytes
UTF-8 bytes as Latin-1 characters
Hex surrogates
Character 𢜐
Character name
Hex code point 22710
Decimal code point 141072
Hex UTF-8 bytes F0 A2 9C 90
Octal UTF-8 bytes 360 242 234 220
UTF-8 bytes as Latin-1 characters bytes ð ¢ <9C> <90>
Hex UTF-16 Surrogates D849 DF10


  1. Some browsers may not be able to display all Unicode characters; they may display blanks, boxes, or question marks for some characters. Installing more fonts may help.
  2. Cutting and pasting does not work reliably in all browsers.
  3. When cutting and pasting hex numbers from dump output on little-endian machines (eg x86), beware of byte order problems.
  4. Hex numbers should not be prefixed with "0x", "U+", or anything else.
  5. When entering a character in UTF-8 as multiple hex or octal bytes, the bytes should be separated by spaces.
  6. "UTF-8 bytes as Latin-1 characters" is what you typically see when you display a UTF-8 file with a terminal or editor that only knows about 8-bit characters.
  7. Spaces are ignored in the input of bytes as Latin-1 characters, to make it easier to cut-and-paste from dump output.